
Empowering the voices of others

Championing Non-Dominant Environments


I celebrate interiors. Too often interior architects and designers are segregated as the “less than” or “frivolous” subset of Architecture, and I challenge this convention to its core. I believe how we experience each other is a direct reflection of our interior environments.

Throughout my career in the 90s, I strived to overcome gender discrimination and identified my role as expansive, not exclusive. I encouraged others to reform the inherently white, patriarchal, bureaucratic organization into a cohesive team, building non-dominant learning environments. 

I champion women to successfully establish themselves as leaders of their own practices and valued principals in America’s premier design firms. I believe in the power of women-led businesses, and I had the privilege of helping women create their own studios in the too often male-centric hierarchy established in architectural firms.

I believe this passion for women-led businesses derives from my mother. As a multicultural and multilingual child, I filled the role of translator for my mother as we were shopping and interacting with the world outside of our home. My appreciation of language and culture blossomed as I began to understand that communication is the basis of human connection. We thrive when we share outcomes. 

My goal is to empower each person to find their authentic voice and language to identify, create, express visions, document ideas, incorporate industry innovations, and be socially relevant.

Identify and eradicate subjugation. Regarded as the lesser discipline by architects, mostly male, interior design is often viewed as women’s territory and less technical. 



